California’s Water Crisis Is Getting Worse: Can Satellite Policing Help?

Via Take Part, an article on how the use of satellite technology could help California manage its remaining groundwater supplies:

GPS: Tracking West’s Vanishing Water

Via National Geographic, a report on the use of  Global Positioning System (GPS) stations to track drought in the western USA:

Throughout the western United States, a
Wired In The Wild

Courtesy of Foreign Affairs, a detailed look at the impact that technology is having upon conservation:

Earth Observation Satellites: Helping Scientists Better Understand Global Change

Courtesy of Yale's Environment360, a look at several initiatives that use Earth observation satellites to measure and monitor global climate change:

Google Powers Online Resource Tracking Global Deforestation

Via Forbes, a report on a new tool that - using technologies from Google Maps and Google Earth, the World Resources Institute has created an interactive map that

Open Water: Exploring Open Source Water Quality Monitoring

Via MIT's Center for Civic Media, details on an interesting project that

Over the last several months, Civic has been working on the Open Water Project,

Networked Nature
New technical innovations such as location-tracking devices, GPS and satellite communications, remote sensors, laser-imaging technologies, light detection and ranging” (LIDAR) sensing, high-resolution satellite imagery, digital mapping, advanced statistical analytical software and even biotechnology and synthetic biology are revolutionizing conservation in two key ways: first, by revealing the state of our world in unprecedented detail; and, second, by making available more data to more people in more places. The mission of this blog is to track these technical innovations that may give conservation the chance – for the first time – to keep up with, and even get ahead of, the planet’s most intractable environmental challenges. It will also examine the unintended consequences and moral hazards that the use of these new tools may cause.Read More