Via Wired, a report on how monitoring the noises within ecosystems reveals their health—allowing researchers to monitor changes in biodiversity, detect threats, and measure the effectiveness of conservation strategies: Monica Retamosa was in the middle of changing the batteries of a tape recorder when she heard a bellbird for the first time. Standing on a forest […]
Read More »Via Nautilus, a report on how to tell a leopard from its roar and the potential to make a Shazam for conservationists: The leopard’s roar is a distinct sound. A repetitive pattern of hoarse and guttural calls, it is often compared to the rough music of a saw being pushed and pulled through a giant […]
Read More »Via Wired, a report on Swarovski Optik’s new AX Visio binoculars which use image-recognition algorithms and GPS data to discern the species of whatever bird you point them at. And they work anywhere in the world. Photo-Illustration: Ali Cherkis; Getty Images The Austrian company Swarovski Optik has been innovating in long-range optical instruments for 75 years. […]
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