Via Bloomberg, an article on how an AI-powered robot and gaming are helping scientists identify new deep-sea species: Nearly a dozen miles off the California coast on a foggy October morning, a crane lifts a boxy yellow robot off the deck of the research vessel Rachel Carson and lowers it into Monterey Bay’s choppy gunmetal-gray waters. The […]
Read More »Via Nautilus, a report on how to tell a leopard from its roar and the potential to make a Shazam for conservationists: The leopard’s roar is a distinct sound. A repetitive pattern of hoarse and guttural calls, it is often compared to the rough music of a saw being pushed and pulled through a giant […]
Read More »Via The Economist, a look at initial steps to digitize our forests by using new technology to sniff out fires long before they spread out of control: The fires went on for three relentless days in the summer of 2021, scorching over 13,000 hectares of western Sardinia. Residents “saw their whole world go up in flames […]
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